Butternut squash soup

Always a hit with my kids! My daughter licked her bowl clean and that’s how you know it’s really good soup! I love making soup because there are so many benefits like finishing off extra veggies, lots of health benefits and I make a big batch to eat for leftovers. Feel free to add more or less of something, also cauliflower is a great addition or use leeks instead of onion.

In a big pot start by frying coconut oil with an onion for 2 minutes, then add Celery for a couple more minutes, then add Butternut squash and carrots for a few more minutes then add garlic, salt, pepper and herb de province, until you smell the garlic. Add broth and simmer until veggies are tender. Cool for 10 minutes then blend. My blender works better than my food processor. It’s a bit of a challenge transferring the soup so use a large glass bowl or large glass measuring cup. If you have an immersion blender you can use it.
Coconut oil
1 Large onion chopped
3 Celery stock chopped
2 Carrots chopped
2 Garlic chopped
1 Butternut squash chopped
1/2 cup of white beans
Salt or herbamare
Herbes de provence
1 carton chicken or vegetable Broth
I use the beans as added protein and creaminess. Feel free to substitute with potatoes or cauliflower and sprinkle with hemp seeds later for added protein.

6 thoughts on “Butternut squash soup

  1. Thanks Jess! I sent your Mom with a container…so I guess you didn’t have a choice but to send me a sampler of your soup! LOL! It was very, very good. I plan on making a big batch next week….so where can I find Herbes de provence?


    • Thanks Mariane! Herbes de Provence is now in lots of grocery stores, but I got mine at Winners. Also Eat local is a wonderful little grocery store downtown Sudbury and they have the same brand that I have. Each brand is a little different.


  2. My immersion blender is one of my favourite kitchen tools. It blends soups and sauces without all the transferring and mess making! Well worth the investment 🙂


  3. Thanks Jess, I’m making mine this weekend for thanksgiving. I hope it turns out as good as yours…..I love getting the samplers too. Always a treat to take something home from your place.


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